Thursday, February 10, 2011

The cold shoulder

So in the last two weeks, there was a major change in our house.  Our part-time nanny decided to take a more permanent position.  I can't fault her for that, but I am sad that tomorrow is her last day.  I love her, the kids love her and she has made leaving for work a little easier.  With the need for child care an immediate concern, I looked into sending Lucas to school with Anna.  The school is awesome, Anna is so happy to be there, I thought Lucas would love it as well.  So Wednesday morning, I packed both kids and drove them to school.  Anna said a quick good-bye and ran to her friends.  Lucas was quiet, a little more reserved and held tightly to my hand.  His teacher showed us his room and where to put his stuff.  We were able to walk into the room where Anna and the other kids were and he walked over to Anna and watched her play.  Adam and I snuck out without tears.  When I went to pick him up, he was smiles and happy and gave me a hug.  I thought it was an easy transition.  He liked school and we would all make it through without our nanny.   Then today happened.
Lucas was more than happy to get dressed, put on his shoes, grab his breakfast to go (cheerios in a bag and glass of milk) and hop into his car seat to go for a ride.  So the kids and I drove to school.  We pulled up to the building and Anna was in a rush to get inside to see her friends.  Lucas got out of the car and insisted on carrying his lunchbox and his sippy cup.  He walked down the hall and the minute he saw his teachers he tried to turn in the other direction and started to cry.  I tried to calm him down while putting his stuff away and taking off his coat.  Then I picked him up to help stop the crying.  I walked into his room and tried to distract him.  He laid on my shoulder with his face turned away from me.  He stopped crying after a minute or two and then was quiet.  I tried talking to him and getting him to turn around, but to no avail.  He wanted to be comforted by me, but he was obviously upset with me.  His second teacher walked in and started talking to him and then she reached out to take him and he slide into her arms without even a sideways glance towards me.  I tried to say good-bye, but he keep his face turned away.  I walked out of the building with tears in my eyes.  The first day had gone fine, but the second day was worse.  I always knew that my children would give me the cold shoulder one day, but I never thought it would happened at 23 months.

1 comment:

  1. First off--welcome back! It's been so long since you've written!

    Cold shoulder--yup--it sucks. I'm sorry you got it from your little Cookie. As you know, I can relate mightily to the rejection. It's terribly hard to be rejected by your child--especially when you are trying to do the best you can. Hang in there, mamma! And OH NO about your sitter--I know you guys LOVED her!

    Keep me posted on your schedule so we can play soon. I need me some A & L time.
