Anna's third birthday was Saturday. In true Alisa and Adam style, we threw not just one, but two parties. We had the family/adult party on Saturday and then a friend party on Sunday. A BBQ complete with a castle cake and a purse cake on Saturday and then pizza with pink and purple cupcakes on Sunday. Anna loved every exhausting minute and Momma just loves to see her smile.
For days, she talked about who was coming to her party. She was dying to see her cousin, Noemi and her best friend Lily. She and Noemi enjoyed a wonderful afternoon playing and running around together with Lucas doing his best to keep up. Then spent Sunday with her best friend, Lily, jumping around the gymnastic place and giggling. Now we are in love with all the presents that have taken over our living room, not to mention all the cute clothes she received. It is obvious that Peanut had a great birthday.
What I love most about her birthday is remembering that day. The day that Anna came into our life. Anna is independent and does things the way that she wants and her entrance in the world was a clear indication of what life is like with Anna.
I had been on modified bed rest for about five weeks and we were getting to the end. I never really got to sleep on Monday night and by about 2:30 am, I knew I was in labor. I woke up Adam and called the doctor. We made it to the hospital by 3:30am and I was left to do my own thing. Adam and I were prepared for the long haul and even waited to call our families because we thought this would last a long time. At my first check up around 7:45, I was ready to have an epidural. While getting ready for some pain medication for Momma is when Anna decided that she was ready and didn't want to wait for Momma's epidural.
Anna entered the world at 8:18am on June 5th, 2007 and Momma survived labor and delivery with no medication. She was in such a hurry that our families barely made it to the hospital. So much for listening to the labor and delivery class we took a few weeks before.
That's my Anna, my beautiful, amazing Anna. She does things the way that she wants and is always in a hurry to do it. I love her determined spirit and persistence. I love her laugh. And what she says always makes me smile. For example, last week while in the bath, she made up her own song, it went like this: "I want to be 4, yeah, I want to be 4. I am not gonna be 3, no, I am not 3. I want to be 4."
I love her desire to learn and be the best she can be, but I don't want her to grow up too fast. So this summer, our goal is patience.